5 Miles

The party that every runner should attend: the Damloop by night! Run with a big smile on your face and enjoy the many DJs, bands and spectacular light shows along the way. The Damloop by night will take place on Saturday evening, 20 September.


The 5 miles start at the Vermiljoenweg in Zaandam. Together with 12.000 other participants you run a distance of 8 km through Zaandam. The course mainly follows the traditional course of the 10 Miles. After, the course runs via the Zuiddijk to the Voorzaan. After the Den Uylbrug, at the Havenstraat, the residents cheer the runners on for the final 3 kilometres. When reaching the Badhuisweg, the participants will run to the crowded city centre of Zaandam where there are lots of supporters at the Peperstraat, the finish of the Damloop by night. 


The 5 Miles starts at 19.45 hours. The start of the Damloop by night is in Zaandam on the Vermiljoenweg.
Starting areas
The start of the Damloop by night is at the Vermiljoenweg in Zaandam, close to the Dam tot Dam Park. The start will take place in nine starting groups between 19.45 and 21.05 hours. For the recreational participants the starting areas are based on the expected finish times. Be aware: is it obligatory to start at the starting area you are assigned to.

Every starting area is opened 25 minutes prior to the official starting time. The boards at the entry point clearly indicate with colours and numbers which starting numbers belong to the relative starting area.
The 5 Miles helpdesk is near the entrance of the Dam tot Dam Park.

On presentation of your bib number, you can hand in your own clothing bag on the Heijermansstraat, between the Dam tot Dam Park and the finish line. You will then receive a sticker on the bib number with a number that corresponds with the number on your bag, so you can pick up your belongings after the run. You can drop off and pick up your bag between 18:45 and 22:45 hours. 

Dressing and shower facilities

Dressing facilities are only available in Zaandam in Sporthal De Struijck, near the Dam tot Dam Park. There is no shower facility. You can also leave (limited) bags here, but this is at your own risk. Participants in the Business Run can store their clothing in the changing tent at the Dam tot Dam Park.

During the race

Refreshment stations
Along the course you will find a number of refreshment stations. These refreshment stations are always placed on the right side of the course. Take this into account when the indication comes that there will be a station and go right. Below you can read what is present where and in what order it is distributed. There are also toilets and a medical post.

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The finish is on the Peperstraat and closes at 22.30 hours. The time limit for the 5 Miles is 85 minutes. You can finish on the full width of the road. After the finish participants will receive a bottle of sports drink and a medal. Also, water is available here. After that you leave the finish area, you can collect your belongings. 


At the Damloop by night, there are honorary prizes to be won for the first three men overall and the first three women overall.

The award ceremony will take place immediately after the finish of the prize winners on the Peperstraat in Zaandam.